Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Our neighbor Jim

Jim is the boys favorite person to play with outside. He is married to an awesome lady, Helen, has 2 children (Chris & Melissa) & works seasonally, so, he has been able to be around to play with the boys in the mornings & they LOVE it. Honestly, it was my salvation towards the end of my pregnancy. I couldn't really play with them (especially outside...too hot!) & they were getting restless. We would walk out to say good-bye to Brett or get he mail...something and if they say Jim that was it. He would soon be out playing games with them & entertaining them for quite a while. He took out his hockey gear in the first two pictures to teach them how to play.

Here, they were playing cops & then a duck hunt (or something). They would put their "guns" down, walk away, Jim would make the sound of a buzzer & they would run for their guns and shot at something in the sky. It is so fun to watch them. The other day I couldn't see Taft (the rule is they stay in front of the house), I walked out and he was down at Jim's ringing the doorbell & knocking. I told him to come home and he kept yelling back at me, "I want to play with Jim." His wife, Helen, & I joke about Jim being their favorite playmate but it is true. Jim keeps telling me how much he is going to miss the boys. We will truly, truly miss wonderful neighbors like them as well. They are a wonderful family.


Darcee said...

Ang!!! I blog-stalked you through Tracy's blog. I hope you don't mind. It is so fun to see your family and catch up on things for you! I'll keep checking in!!!

j janell cf said...

love to see how you guys are doing! good luck with your three boys--sounds fun to me! hope things are going well...

Katie said...

My name is Katie Scoville Bigney.
I used to babysit you and your sister Julie and brother Steven. I hope this is you. You were good friends with my sister Aimee.
I was blog lurking and I can across your. Way cute family and blog.

Julie said...

Hey Claytons this is Julie (Clayton) Nelson! I found you through Jaidi and Justin... hope things are going well for you! Send me your email address at so I can invite you to our blog. We should stay in touch a little better!! Hope things are great for you guys!

tylersgirl said...

UPDATE PLEASE. we are all waiting to hear from you. But babies and moving are more important so when you get a minute.....

mid said...