Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Christmas update...Okay, I know I am really late on this one but here you go!

4 of the 6 brothers came over for Christmas Eve. We had a wonderful dinner and then, of course, the Nativity. They went all out this year with homemade costumes (thanks Merrily and Jenn) and even added Samuel the Lamanite (from the Book of Mormon) which I wouldn't suggest because the kids totally lost focus when they got to throw rocks (ball of foil) at Samuel (uncle Shane). It was fun regardless and everyone enjoyed themselves.
Here is one of the few attempts made to capture all of the grandchildren together at once.
Santa came and visited on Christmas eve as well giving all the children one of their presents for the season. He was going to have a busy night so he stopped by early (so cool). Everyone was SO excited and taken back at the same time. ;0)
To top off the night, Zea ended up with strep throat. He was up all night (as were we) and was pretty miserable for a couple of days. Needless to say that Christmas day was a bit more relaxed and we ended up having Christmas dinner with the family a few days later instead.

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